Latest Currency Rates for 4 Major Currency Pairs with
Bitcoin Performance
With Different APIs like Nasdaq Data Link

Discover valuable insights into currency and trading dynamics through this webpage, which utilizes multiple APIs to gather real-time data. Developed with Python and Flask, the dynamic graphs are crafted using JavaScript, enhancing the presentation of information

Divided into two sections, it offers comprehensive information:

The functionality of the website is encapsulated in three HTML pages:

Home: Offers an overview and introduction to the dashboard's purpose and features.

2015: Presents the latest currency exchange rates and Bitcoin metrics for the year 2015.

2014: Showcases the latest currency exchange rates and Bitcoin metrics for the year 2014.

This webpage offers versatility and can be tailored to accommodate specific parameters as required

This website showcases my expertise in web development and data integration. By seamlessly connecting data from various sources, it offers real-time insights into currency trends and Bitcoin performance. Its customizable features ensure versatility, making it a valuable tool for investors and researchers. With further development, it has the potential to become even more impactful in providing actionable information to users.